September 25, 2014

Yesterday God stirred my heart to encourage a dear friend. At times, He will grab my heart and in empathy I feel the pain a person is experiencing. Then, He will place a timely devotional or scripture and immediately stir my heart to pour out His Word of encouragement.  In an act of obedience, I responded with a heartfelt exhortation to my dear friend whom I met only briefly for a time in a Precept Bible study I was leading 7+ years ago. I reached out to her to share the devotion along with the words God placed in my heart. Awkwardly I posted it for all to see on FB. Yes, I do this all the time. Not on purpose. I still don’t always get how to do things privately before I push a button. But afterwards when I realize what I’ve done, I figure God’s words are powerful and nothing ever happens without a reason, so I’m counting on it helping others when they see such a beautiful side of a Faithful God we serve. Hoping my friend won’t be saying “Denise what on earth are you doing making this public?” (Before this was completed, another friend commented on that posting stating that she needed to hear everything that was said and let it SOAK in! Even in our awkward mistakes God uses it for His glory! Loving His Ways Always.)

After posting the note, I didn’t think much about it…except “Please God let those words be Your Words and may they do the work You intended.” Held within my ramblings, I mentioned I find it so much easier to believe God’s power, promises, and mighty work for others and that I struggle with claiming it at moments for myself. This morning in reflection, I should have known what my morning would look like after standing in the gap for a friend…fighting for them against the darkness. I’ve walked 26 years with God, sometimes wandering slightly further away then I should and extremely close at other times. This intimate time with Him is long enough to understand how He works in my life…however, occasionally I need a little reminding.

God, being amazing and ever so concerned with our character, is working hard on me to “Practice what I Preach.” This isn’t new. I’ve been here before. This is one of the reasons I work so hard not to judge others (anymore) because inevitably what I judge others on ends up in my lap for me to understand what it’s like to walk in that person’s shoes. I’ve been allowed to experience what breaks God’s heart by many “hands on” lessons. I don’t get to read about it. It’s not from a story in the Bible. I don’t get to watch someone else learn it…He desires me to FEEL IT. I get to live it out in front of the world while God lovingly connects the dots to various Bible stories quietly in my head…I get to trudge through the muck and yuck so I can then understand fully the pain, anguish, turmoil, and judgmental stares that a person encounters. I get to listen to the silent whispers loud enough to hear, experience crying out to a mighty God behind closed doors in the dark of the night, and seek friends to intercede on our behalf because we are at a loss with no strength to stand. However, faithfully in these times, He has been forging an unshakeable faith…I haven’t “arrived” by any means. But, I’m so much further along then I was before all of the trials I’ve traversed with Him by my side. He has been creating opportunities for me to “Practice what I Preach” to others during their times of struggle. And He gently reminds me to read and REREAD the words I’ve written for someone else and BELIEVE them for myself. WOW He is an amazing Father. Patient. Kind. Gentle. But, ever teaching!

So, here’s the fun! When you stand in the gap for another when under attack, understand that the prince of this earth will be coming to distract, divide, discourage, and destroy you next. We were struggling to make ends meet this month…questioning how will we make it to the next check. When amazingly, God had the State place some unexpected funds they owe us in our account in the amount we would need to slide by. Relaxed. Relieved. Elated God answered. We woke up the next morning only to find that there was merely $2 in our account. Someone had just STOLEN the funds the State placed in our account. After a morning of dealing with the fraud department we were comforted to know we would receive the money back IN 5-7 DAYS! Well, I giggled. God hadn’t placed that in our account for us. He intended it always to go to the thief because He knew he was coming. The reason I giggled is because I was reminded in my head silently that I should willingly give the thief my coat too…and it was raining outside. How fortuitous. Normally, you wouldn’t be so “joyful” or “giggly” at this time, but I believe God was helping me trust Him. He could put more money in there…don’t worry. In another hour another warrior for God flew in to float us for the week until our money was given back. However, our morning didn’t stop there. In 40 minutes, Bill called and the first words were “we are okay.” What?! He said, “we’ve just been rear ended but nothing happened to the car and we are both fine.” I thought…really? I didn’t say it…I just thought it! The rest of the day went uneventfully. Thank you Jesus! As Bill and Cherise were leaving for travel ball practice, I stopped them and said “Please Be Safe!”… “Satan is on the prowl.” I had already begun to have feelings we were under attack because I had stood in the gap and fought for a friend. I had feelings he was actively seeking to discourage me from speaking life into her, to destroy my faith in a mighty God, to teach me to mind my own business and leave his alone! And…10 minutes later, Cherise called me and I knew something was wrong. She handed the phone to her dad and he said, “We Are OK!”…”However, I will need you to come pick Cherise up and drive her to practice. Our front right wheel just fell off the car and we are stuck in the middle of an intersection.” Three major circumstances in a matter of 24 hours after interceding for a sister in Christ…I don’t believe in “coincidences” our life was/is under attack. I turned off dinner, grabbed my purse and hurried to the scene. Cherise was a little shaken and it was extremely odd to look at your car with the wheel just OFF the car. BUT, God protected them and I’m ever so grateful!

I’ve been given the opportunity to “Practice What I Preach.” I pulled up those words of encouragement that God poured into my heart and out through my fingers for my dear friend and I REREAD them MULTIPLE TIMES today. God is challenging me to remember them for myself, too. And He’s been encouraging me by constantly reminding me…HE IS STILL IN CHARGE!

PLEASE…don’t forget…

“His BELIEF IN YOU is mighty, He selected you for the challenge you face, He allowed this to be placed in your journey because He KNOWS YOUR SPIRIT intimately! He knows that You are His faithful servant and that no matter what Satan throws at you, you will be TRIUMPHANT! He knows that you will be VICTORIOUS! You are His VALIANT WARRIOR!…Stay strong my friend. Rest in Him. Practice trusting Him even more than you have before. And know I will be crying out to our Lord for you. I will be standing at the gates of heaven pleading for God’s quick intercession.

Thank you Jesus for being our Advocate in Heaven, for interceding for us at all times, for praying for us before we even know we need it. How people traverse through this life without You as a companion is befuddling to me. I can only stand because I know You are at my right hand and are my ROCK…sometimes I can only do it because You carry me like a Shepherd carries His wounded lamb around His neck. Thank you for always always always being there for me. May our children learn through these hard times how to lean on You, how to trust You, how to let worry fall away and believe in Your truths, promises, love, and power for themselves. In our Savior’s precious name Jesus, Amen.

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