I’m grateful I have the written Word to study and mimic. God in His infinite wisdom and pure love for our souls, inspired the Apostles to record beautiful and eloquent prayers for us, their future descendants, to read. In order to live a life engulfed with powerful and authority filled prayers I only need to flip through the worn pages of my Bible to find words that will help me share my heart with God concerning myself or loved ones. These prayers are void of asking for worldly, material desires, instead they are packed full of requests to move forward God’s kingdom by using faithful believers. If you desire your prayers to reflect these influential and power packed prayers you can use each Apostolic Prayer as a model. First read and reread the Scripture. Spend time meditating on it and marinating your entire mind in the words God used. Afterwards, begin to pray in your own words what your heart has gleaned from God’s word. You can do this verbally or sit down with pen and paper and journal out your thoughts to say to God. Below I’m going to include a couple examples…you can pray the Scripture back in a personal fashion for yourself or you can reword it to be prayed for others.
Let’s look at Philippians 1:9-11. This is a prayer for God’s love to abound in our hearts resulting in discernment and righteousness in our life.
” 9 And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in real knowledge (of God) and all discernment, 10 so that you may approve (rejoice in)the things that are excellent, in order to be sincere (no compromise) and blameless until the day of Christ; 11 having been filled with the fruit of righteousness which comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.” — Philippians 1:9-11
To pray it personally, your prayer could look something like this:
“Father God, I ask that you fill me with Your love so that it generously flows out onto others. I pray that I will grow in knowing You more intimately each and every day. Jesus I ask that you strengthen my discernment so I will be able to make the best choice before me and always able to recognize Your will for my life. Help me to be authentic in my faith and strong to make no compromises so I can remain blameless and unashamed when You come. Father fill me with the fruits of Your Spirit that come through Jesus, so that I may bring glory and praise to You in my life as I walk out life daily. I pray all this in Jesus’ precious name, Amen.
Or, if you’d like to pray it for someone else, your prayer could look something like this:
Jesus, I lay before you, (my daughter) and pray that You will fill her with Your love today in over abundance. Father may she come to know You in a more insightful and intimate way. Give (my daughter) discernment so she can make the right choice for the best pathway in her life…seeking You first and foremost before all other things. Encourage and help her have an authentic and genuine journey with You so that she can be blameless, pure and unoffending all the days of her life. Jesus please fill her with Your righteousness always so that the life she lives will reflect You and Your mighty, holy ways. May she bring glory to You in all she does today. I pray all this in Jesus’ precious name, Amen.
Now I encourage you to take a look at the other Apostolic Prayers listed under my Prayer page. Find ones that you could pray for yourself or ones you could use as intercessory prayers for your loved ones. Begin your journey of impacting the lives of people for God’s kingdom…we’ve been given the examples to follow all we need to do is start. May you be blessed by beginning to pray fervently for one another.